Nationally Renowned
Our team of instructors have been guest speakers at over 55 national & state impaired driving conferences for prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges.
DUI Expert On Demand™
Members only 24/7 on-demand access to online training videos, webinars, a virtual library, and discounts to in-person CLE training.
Experienced Instructors
Our team of instructors have trained over 5,000 law enforcement officers, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges from coast to coast in the NHTSA Impaired Driving Training Curricula.
DUI Expert On Demand™ is an exclusive DUI training membership for trial attorneys, powered by Impaired Driving Specialists, LLC. With a sign-up membership fee of only $179, DEOD members instantly receive 24/7 on-demand access to ten training videos related to the NHTSA SFST training curriculum, the NHTSA ARIDE training curriculum, and the NHTSA DRE training curriculum. Then, for only a $59 monthly membership renewal, DEOD members receive 24/7 on-demand access to additional DUI related training videos and other membership benefits. Every month you remain a DEOD member, you receive 24/7 on-demand access to additional training videos, and continued access to the other membership benefits and previous training videos, all taught by nationally renowned Impaired Driving Consultant, Anthony Palacios.
All DEOD training videos are extremely topic specific. As a DEOD member, there is no need to browse through an entire 1-hour training video on the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test just to learn the required medical assessment steps or standardized time rates for HGN. Members have access to separate training videos specifically devoted to the medical assessment steps, the standardized time rates, and the standardized clues for HGN. As a DEOD member, there is no need to browse through an entire 1-hour training video on all three ARIDE field tests just to learn the standardized procedures for the Modified Romberg Balance Test. Members have access to separate training videos specifically devoted to the Modified Romberg Balance Test, the Lack of Convergence Test, and the Finger-to-Nose Test. Topic specific, streamlined training videos equate to streamlined case reviews and trial preparation.
Watch Example Clips Below:
Awards and Recognition
Additional Members Only Benefits
DEOD membership benefit #2 – In addition to the 24/7 on-demand training video library, DEOD members have access to the DEOD Lounge™, a member only group site where periodically, DEOD members and DEOD Founder, Anthony Palacios meet online to discuss impaired driving topics. Questions about the SFSTs, ARIDE, or DRE? Ask it in the DEOD Lounge to other DEOD members and nationally renowned impaired driving consultant, Anthony Palacios.
DEOD membership benefit #3 – After the first monthly renewal, DEOD members receive a 15% tuition discount on any in-person training course hosted and taught by Impaired Driving Specialists, LLC. These training courses include the NHTSA “DWI Detection/SFST Student” training course, the NHTSA “SFST Instructor” training course, the NHTSA “SFST Refresher/Update” training course, the NHTSA “Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement” (ARIDE) training course, and an overview of the NHTSA/IACP “Drug Recognition Expert” training course. Click the “In-Person Training” tab on the top menu to see the current list of training classes available.
DEOD membership benefit #4 – As a DEOD member, you get 24/7 on-demand access to the members only virtual library. The virtual library contains the most current and previous training manuals and studies for the NHTSA “DWI Detection & SFST” training curriculum, the NHTSA “Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement” (ARIDE) training curriculum, and the NHTSA “Drug Evaluation and Classification Program” (DRE) training curriculum. In addition to the NHTSA training curricula and publications, the DEOD virtual library contains forms to help streamline case reviews created by Impaired Driving Specialists, LLC.
Why DUI Expert On Demand™?
At the Nexus of Knowledge & Innovation
Unlike other CLE training, DUI Expert On Demand™ provides video training that can be immediately applied during case reviews/analysis and in the courtroom.
Our team of instructors continuously receive the highest ratings possible from attendees from across the country.
Not only does our team of instructors have over 4,000 hours of lecture time, but our instructors have applied what they teach to 1000’s of impaired driving investigations in the field.

What Our Client's Say
ARIDE Student Course
August 2022
SFST Student Course
September 2024
NACDL’s 28th Annual DWI Seminar Attendee
September 2024
For an extremely limited time, we are offering the DUI Expert On Demand membership for a pre-launch price of $179 sign-up membership fee and $59 monthly renewal with immediate, full access to all benefits.
Once we launch, the sign-up membership fee will be $279 with a $159 monthly renewal.